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Automating AEM Installation using Powershell



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-== & ==-


Following is a powershell script to automate the installation of AEM Author/Publish environments along with NAS storage and installation of necessary packages through a single script and deploy AEM as windows service with LogOn details.

The script is run locally on a VM where AEM environment is to be created. The script is broken into several sections, which are explained in detail.


Following are the parameters used


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$AEMINST = Read-Host "Choose Author/Publish Instance to Setup [Author/Publish]"
$AEMPORT = Read-Host "Enter the CQ Port [4502/4503]"
$SRCPATH = "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\AEM\zinstaller"
$SERVICEPATH = "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\opt\helpers"
$LicensePath = "$SRCPATH\"
$AEMUNPACK = "java -jar $JARFILE -unpack"
$ServiceName = "AEMPRD"
$CQ_PORT = "4503"
$CQ_USER = "admin"
$CQ_PASS = "admin"
$CURLEXE = 'C:\tools\curl761\bin\curl.exe'
$GCURL = "http://${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/crx/packmgr/service.jsp"
$DOCUNSTORECFG = "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.config"
$FILEDSTORECFG = "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.FiledataStore.config"
$repository = "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\repository"

Description of each and every parameter is as following

Author or Publish Environment
Author/Publish Port [4502/4503]
Common location for installation files. Example: AEM jar file, packages etc.
AEM installation directory
AEM instsrv.bat file location
AEM jar file [aem-author-p4502.jar]
.PARAMETER LicensePath file location
command to unpack AEM
.PARAMETER ServiceName
AEM service name
username for AEM service LogOn
password for serive LogOn
Host on which AEM is installed
AEM port
AEM login username
AEM login password
cURL executable location
Document Node Store configuration
File Data Store configuration
AEM package location and name
.PARAMETER repository
Location of Datastore repository

Author: Shashi Yebbare
Organization: Skydevops Pvt. Ltd.
Version: 3.5.2

Logic to check if AEM base directory exists, if not create it, then copy the necessary jar and license file and unpack AEM Author/Publish. If AEM Author/Publish directory exists then check for crx-quickstart folder and if its present then terminate the installation

if (!(Test-Path -Path $BASEPATH)) {
    Write-Output "$AEMINST Installation Directory Not Found"
    Write-Output "Creating Folder at $BASEPATH"
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $BASEPATH
    Copy-Item -Path $LicensePath -Destination $BASEPATH
    Set-Location -Path $BASEPATH
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Unpacking $AEMINST"
    Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd.exe /c $AEMUNPACK"

    if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
        Write-Output "Creating INSTALL Folder"
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Copying Configurations to Install Directory"
        Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$DOCUNSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
        Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$FILEDSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
    Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\Documents\scripts"
}else {

    Write-Output "$BASEPATH Exists"
    Write-Output "Checking crx-quickstart Directory"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $BASEPATH\crx-quickstart)) {
        Write-Output "crx-quickstart Not Found, Unpacking $AEMINST"
        Set-Location -Path $BASEPATH
        Write-Output "Unpacking $AEMINST"

        Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd.exe /c $AEMUNPACK"
        if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
            Write-Output "Creating INSTALL Folder"
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "Copying Configurations to Install Directory"
            Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$DOCUNSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
            Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$FILEDSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
    }else {

        Write-Output "crx-quickstart Found, Terminating Installation."
        Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\Documents\scripts"

Creating AEM service, adding LogOn details and starting AEM service

$AEMSERVICEPATH = "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\opt\helpers\instsrv.bat"
Rename-Item -Path "$AEMSERVICEPATH" -NewName  "instsrv.bat.bak"
Copy-Item -Path "${SRCPATH}\instsrv-${AEMINST}.bat" -Destination "${SERVICEPATH}\instsrv.bat"
$AEMSERVICEPATH = "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\opt\helpers\instsrv.bat"
$AEMCommand = "$AEMSERVICEPATH $ServiceName"
Write-Output "Creating $ServiceName Service"
Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd.exe /c $AEMCommand"
$LogOnD = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$ServiceName'"
Write-Output "Adding LogOn Details"
Start-Sleep -seconds 5
$arrservice = (Get-Service $ServiceName)
Write-Output "Starting $ServiceName Service"
Start-Service -Name $arrservice.Name
Write-Output "$ServiceName Successfully Started."

Checking if CQ Package Manager is up and running, once ifs UP, install necessary packages

$count = 0
$success = $null

if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
    Write-Output "Checking if CQ PackageMgr is UP"
            $HTCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is http://${CQ_USER}:${CQ_PASS}@${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/crx/packmgr/index.jsp | findstr "HTTP"
            $RESCODE = $HTCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
            if ($RESCODE -eq 200) {
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "CQ PackageMgr Started"
                $success = $true
            }else {
                Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
                Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($count -eq 180 -or $RESCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
}elseif ($AEMINST -eq "Publish") {
        Write-Output "Checking if CQ PackageMgr is UP"
            $HTCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is http://${CQ_USER}:${CQ_PASS}@${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/crx/packmgr/index.jsp | findstr "HTTP"
            $RESCODE = $HTCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
            if ($RESCODE -eq 200) {
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "CQ PackageMgr Started"
                $success = $true
            }else {
                Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
                Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($count -eq 50 -or $RESCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."

Installing AEM packages using cURL

Write-Output "Installing APPS Package"
cmd.exe /c $CURLEXE -u "${CQ_USER}:${CQ_PASS}" -F file=@"$PKGPATH01" -F name="aemgit.ui.apps" -F force=true -F install=false "$GCURL" | Out-Null
Write-Output "Package Installation Complete"

Checking if AEM is completely installed and running

$NASSuccess = $null

if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
    Write-Output "Checking if CQ Author is UP"
        $CPCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is "http://${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/libs/granite/core/content/login.html" | findstr "HTTP"
        $RESCPCODE = $CPCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
        if ($RESCPCODE -eq 200) {
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "CQ $AEMINST Started"
            $NASSuccess = $true
        }else {
            Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
            Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($COUNTNAS -eq 180 -or $RESCPCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
}elseif ($AEMINST -eq "Publish") {
        Write-Output "Checking if CQ Publish is UP"
        $CPCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is "http://${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/libs/granite/core/content/login.html" | findstr "HTTP"
        $RESCPCODE = $CPCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
        if ($RESCPCODE -eq 200) {
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "CQ $AEMINST Started"
            $NASSuccess = $true
        }else {
            Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
            Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($COUNTNAS -eq 50 -or $RESCPCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
Write-Output "AEM $AEMINST Installation Successfully Completed."

Adding NAS storage, checking if AEM is up, stopping AEM completely, then creating a symlink for AEM NAS datastore and copying to NAS nad starting AEM

Write-Output "Commencing NAS Drive Setup for CQ $AEMINST"

$arrStatus = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$ServiceName'").state
$AEMSERVICE = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($AEMSERVICE.status -eq 'Running') {
    Write-Output "$ServiceName is Up and Running"
    Write-Output "Stopping $ServiceName Service"
    Stop-Service $ServiceName
    Start-Sleep -seconds 60
    Write-Output "$ServiceName Service Stopped"
    Write-Output "Renaming the Datastore Directory"
    Rename-Item -Path "${repository}\datastore" -NewName  "${repository}\datastore-old" -Force
    Write-Output "Creating SymbolicLink for Datastore"
    New-Item -Path "${repository}\datastore" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\AEM\NAS\dr_$AEMINST" | Out-Null
    Write-Output "Copying files from Datastore to NAS"
    Get-ChildItem "${repository}\datastore-old" | Copy -Destination "${repository}\datastore" -Recurse -Force
    Write-Output "Copying Complete."
    Write-Output "Starting $ServiceName Service"
    Start-Service -Name $ServiceName
    Start-Sleep -seconds 120
    Write-Output "$ServiceName Successfully Started."

Here is the final complete script

$ErrorActionPreference      =   "Stop"
$WarningPreference          =   "SilentlyContinue"
$AEMINST                    =   Read-Host "Choose Author/Publish Instance to Setup [Author/Publish]"
$AEMPORT                    =   Read-Host "Enter the CQ Port [4502/4503]"
$SRCPATH                    =   "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\AEM\zinstaller"
$BASEPATH                   =   "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\AEM\instances\$AEMINST"
$SERVICEPATH                =   "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\opt\helpers"
$JARFILE                    =   "$SRCPATH\aem-$AEMINST-p$AEMPORT.jar"
$LicensePath                =   "$SRCPATH\"
$AEMUNPACK                  =   "java -jar $JARFILE -unpack"
$ServiceName                =   "AEMPRD"
$USERNAME                   =   "\SKYDEVOPS"
$HOSTNAME                   =   ""
$CQ_PORT                    =   "4503"
$CQ_USER                    =   "admin"
$CQ_PASS                    =   "admin"
$CURLEXE                    =   'C:\tools\curl761\bin\curl.exe'
$GCURL                      =   "http://${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/crx/packmgr/service.jsp"
$DOCUNSTORECFG              =   "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.config"
$FILEDSTORECFG              =   "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.FiledataStore.config"
$PKGPATH01                  =   "$SRCPATH\"
$PKGPATH02                  =   "$SRCPATH\"
$repository                 =   "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\repository"

if (!(Test-Path -Path $BASEPATH)) {
    Write-Output "$AEMINST Installation Directory Not Found"
    Write-Output "Creating Folder at $BASEPATH"
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $BASEPATH
    Copy-Item -Path $LicensePath -Destination $BASEPATH
    Set-Location -Path $BASEPATH
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Unpacking $AEMINST"
    Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd.exe /c $AEMUNPACK"

    if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
        Write-Output "Creating INSTALL Folder"
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Copying Configurations to Install Directory"
        Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$DOCUNSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
        Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$FILEDSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
    Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\Documents\scripts"
}else {

    Write-Output "$BASEPATH Exists"
    Write-Output "Checking crx-quickstart Directory"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $BASEPATH\crx-quickstart)) {
        Write-Output "crx-quickstart Not Found, Unpacking $AEMINST"
        Set-Location -Path $BASEPATH
        Write-Output "Unpacking $AEMINST"

        Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd.exe /c $AEMUNPACK"
        if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
            Write-Output "Creating INSTALL Folder"
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "Copying Configurations to Install Directory"
            Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$DOCUNSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
            Copy-Item -Path "$SRCPATH\$FILEDSTORECFG" -Destination "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\install"
    }else {

        Write-Output "crx-quickstart Found, Terminating Installation."
        Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\Documents\scripts"

$AEMSERVICEPATH = "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\opt\helpers\instsrv.bat"
Rename-Item -Path "$AEMSERVICEPATH" -NewName  "instsrv.bat.bak"
Copy-Item -Path "${SRCPATH}\instsrv-${AEMINST}.bat" -Destination "${SERVICEPATH}\instsrv.bat"
$AEMSERVICEPATH = "$BASEPATH\crx-quickstart\opt\helpers\instsrv.bat"
$AEMCommand = "$AEMSERVICEPATH $ServiceName"
Write-Output "Creating $ServiceName Service"
Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd.exe /c $AEMCommand"
$LogOnD = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$ServiceName'"
Write-Output "Adding LogOn Details"
Start-Sleep -seconds 5
$arrservice = (Get-Service $ServiceName)
Write-Output "Starting $ServiceName Service"
Start-Service -Name $arrservice.Name
Write-Output "$ServiceName Successfully Started."
Write-Output "Waiting for AEM Services to Come Up"
# Start-Sleep -s 480
$count = 0
$success = $null

if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
    Write-Output "Checking if CQ PackageMgr is UP"
            $HTCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is http://${CQ_USER}:${CQ_PASS}@${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/crx/packmgr/index.jsp | findstr "HTTP"
            $RESCODE = $HTCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
            if ($RESCODE -eq 200) {
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "CQ PackageMgr Started"
                $success = $true
            }else {
                Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
                Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($count -eq 180 -or $RESCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
}elseif ($AEMINST -eq "Publish") {
        Write-Output "Checking if CQ PackageMgr is UP"
            $HTCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is http://${CQ_USER}:${CQ_PASS}@${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/crx/packmgr/index.jsp | findstr "HTTP"
            $RESCODE = $HTCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
            if ($RESCODE -eq 200) {
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "CQ PackageMgr Started"
                $success = $true
            }else {
                Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
                Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($count -eq 50 -or $RESCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
Write-Output "Installing APPS Package"
cmd.exe /c $CURLEXE -u "${CQ_USER}:${CQ_PASS}" -F file=@"$PKGPATH01" -F name="aemgit.ui.apps" -F force=true -F install=false "$GCURL" | Out-Null
Write-Output "Package Installation Complete"

$NASSuccess = $null

if ($AEMINST -eq "Author") {
    Write-Output "Checking if CQ Author is UP"
        $CPCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is "http://${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/libs/granite/core/content/login.html" | findstr "HTTP"
        $RESCPCODE = $CPCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
        if ($RESCPCODE -eq 200) {
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "CQ $AEMINST Started"
            $NASSuccess = $true
        }else {
            Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
            Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($COUNTNAS -eq 180 -or $RESCPCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
}elseif ($AEMINST -eq "Publish") {
        Write-Output "Checking if CQ Publish is UP"
        $CPCODE = cmd.exe /c curl -Is "http://${HOSTNAME}:${AEMPORT}/libs/granite/core/content/login.html" | findstr "HTTP"
        $RESCPCODE = $CPCODE | %{ $_.Split(' ')[1]; }
        if ($RESCPCODE -eq 200) {
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "CQ $AEMINST Started"
            $NASSuccess = $true
        }else {
            Write-Host -NoNewLine "."
            Start-sleep -Seconds 10
    }until($COUNTNAS -eq 50 -or $RESCPCODE -eq 200)
        Write-Output "Timed Out or CQ $AEMINST Dint start Properly"
        Write-Output "Package Installation Aborted."
Write-Output "AEM $AEMINST Installation Successfully Completed."
Write-Output "Commencing NAS Drive Setup for CQ $AEMINST"

$arrStatus = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$ServiceName'").state
$AEMSERVICE = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($AEMSERVICE.status -eq 'Running') {
    Write-Output "$ServiceName is Up and Running"
    Write-Output "Stopping $ServiceName Service"
    Stop-Service $ServiceName
    Start-Sleep -seconds 60
    Write-Output "$ServiceName Service Stopped"
    Write-Output "Renaming the Datastore Directory"
    Rename-Item -Path "${repository}\datastore" -NewName  "${repository}\datastore-old" -Force
    Write-Output "Creating SymbolicLink for Datastore"
    New-Item -Path "${repository}\datastore" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value "C:\Users\SKYDEVOPS\AEM\NAS\dr_$AEMINST" | Out-Null
    Write-Output "Copying files from Datastore to NAS"
    Get-ChildItem "${repository}\datastore-old" | Copy -Destination "${repository}\datastore" -Recurse -Force
    Write-Output "Copying Complete."
    Write-Output "Starting $ServiceName Service"
    Start-Service -Name $ServiceName
    Start-Sleep -seconds 120
    Write-Output "$ServiceName Successfully Started."


Shashi View All

A passionate devops and automation engineer

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